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figure Xu Pan (潘旭)

Hello World!

Hi, I’m currently a Master's student in The State Key Lab. LIESMARS at Wuhan University, under the guidance of Prof. Xianwei Zheng. I received my B.Eng. in Remote Sensing Science and Technology from Wuhan University in 2023. My research interests are in the field of Computer Vision, Deep Learning and 3D Reconstruction, now primarily focusing on the correspondence establishment between images.


Scale-aware Co-visible Region Detection for Hierarchical Correspondence Establishment
Xu Pan*, Zimin Xia*, Xianwei Zheng** (* Equal contribution, ** Corresponding author)
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Submitted)
publication bacbone illustrater
CoSAM: Segment Anything Co-Visible for Robust Feature Matching
Xu Pan, Jintao Zhang, Mingyue Dong, Zimin Xia, Xianwei Zheng* (* Corresponding author)
The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Submitted)

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